Sunday, 25 March 2012


I began to very much look into docudramas as I feel my piece would very much benefit from being within this style/genre. Docudrama (as described on the website link given below) is where

Events are portrayed by actors in front of an invisible "fourth wall"

I believe it is where you are given shots of commentary followed by a sequence of drama where the events are carried out. Shooting techniques remain the same as conventional film and television shots, and whilst these visual sequences are acted out, there is not commentary. Docudramas are non fictional drama. The real is being represented.

I feel the trailer below is quite an interesting example. It shows real footage but merges it with modern day sequences reenacting of what it was like in the past. There is a commentator describing what is happening within the scenes as well as given additional information. As an audience you trust what this trailer is telling you, as the information is factual and the miss en scene used enhances the realism, even though it was filmed many years from the actual event.

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