Tuesday, 22 November 2011


These are just a few 30 seconds sketches I did experimenting with different symbols and imagery I may want to use in my final project.

This first image is based on running as well as representing a healthy lifestyle. I want to include scenes of someone running from different angles and in all directions, and these sketches allowed me to just play with some ideas.

This second image is based on 'beauty' and putting on make up to 'improve' your appearance. I started looking at this to show that diabetes is something on the inside and does not affect how other people see you. Different forms of make up include blusher, lipstick, mascara and could also include foundation, eye liner etc. I like the idea of someone using these, and I could even experiment with the speed and perhaps even playing it backwards to see the effects.

This last image is of a tap, to represent the thirst that is a symptom of diabetes. I can't decide whether I think a dripping tap or a tap on full power would be more effective at representing this. I may choose to use both and overlay them?

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