Monday, 28 November 2011

Sight Sound Motion - Herbert Zettl

  • The task of editing is to show continuity from shot to shot
  • Editing is selecting scenes that contribute most effectively to build a scene
  • Instantaneous editing refers to selecting and combining shots while the event is televised live
  • Postproduction is selecting scenes to put in order
  • Visual syntax suggests rules for this particular ordering so they tell an intended story. This creates a visual narrative
  • Graphic vector continuity refers to being aware of the prominent lines and having them continue between the different shots
  • For over the shoulder shots to make sense, two cameras must be placed on the same side of the vector lines
  • A smooth cut requires you cut during and not after the action 
  • Cuts from extreme long shots to close ups should be avoided unless it is clear that the character is the same

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